kyle is twelve years old. his age is 2 more than half the age of steven. find the age of steven

12 - 2 = ?

? x 2 = Steven's age

Steven is 20 years old

steve is 20 years old

Anns brother ,ted is four years younger than twice her age. the sum of their age is 20.

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Jason is 34 years younger than Monique. 2 years ago, Monique's age was 2 times Jason's age. How old is Jason now?

To find Steven's age, we need to use the information given in the question. It states that Kyle is 12 years old and his age is 2 more than half the age of Steven.

Let's represent Steven's age with the variable "S." We know that Kyle's age is 12, so we can create the equation:

12 = (1/2)S + 2

To get the age of Steven, we need to solve this equation for S. Let's simplify it step by step:

Step 1: Subtract 2 from both sides of the equation:

12 - 2 = (1/2)S

10 = (1/2)S

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to get rid of the fraction:

10 * 2 = (1/2)S * 2

20 = S

Therefore, Steven's age is 20.