1. Which of the following answer choices contains a metaphor?

A. His skin was sandpaper**
B. The sun sparkled like a diamond
C. She wanted to be like the birds and fly away
D. They felt free when they ran across the doors

2. What is a key characteristic of a refrain in poetry?

A. imagery**
B. alliteration
C. repetition
D. rhyme

In question one you are correct, check your answer again on question 2.

I think you have the Literature textbook, go to that book and read the part about poetry which can be found on your lesson.

Oh, okay is it C?

ya is it c

A refrain is like a chorus. which one of those terms is something you would see in a chorus?

Also don't you think you should say Sir or Miss when you address the teachers ? They are here to help you and it is nice if you can express your gratitude and respect even with your questions .

To identify a metaphor among the answer choices, it's important to understand what a metaphor is. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things by stating that one thing is another thing.

Let's analyze the options:

A. "His skin was sandpaper" - This is a metaphor as it compares the texture of his skin to the roughness of sandpaper.

B. "The sun sparkled like a diamond" - This is a simile because it uses the word "like" to make a comparison.

C. "She wanted to be like the birds and fly away" - This is a simile because it uses the word "like" to make a comparison.

D. "They felt free when they ran across the doors" - This sentence does not contain any metaphor or simile. It is a literal statement.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. "His skin was sandpaper," as it uses a metaphor to compare the texture of the skin to sandpaper.

Moving on to the second question,

A refrain is a recurring line or verse in a poem. It serves as a pattern that repeats throughout the poem, creating a specific rhythm or emphasis. It helps to establish a theme or idea.

Analyzing the answer choices:

A. imagery - Imagery refers to the use of vivid sensory language to create mental images.

B. alliteration - Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in close proximity.

C. repetition - Repetition is the act of repeating words, phrases, or lines for emphasis or effect.

D. rhyme - Rhyme is the similarity of sounds, usually at the ends of words in poetry.

Among the options, the key characteristic of a refrain in poetry is repetition. A refrain is a specific kind of repetition where a line or verse is repeated at regular intervals within the poem.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. repetition.