The area of Mrs. Charleston vegetables garden is 40 square feet.If the width of a garden is feet. What is the length of the garden?

Mrs. Myers makes a flower garden outside the club house. The garden is 23 meters wide and 27 meters long. What is the area of Mrs. Myers garden?

Your first question is incomplete.

A = L * W

23 * 27 = _________ square meters

The question is correct. This is way the she gave the problem

The area of Charleston vegetable garden is 40 square feet.If the width of the garden is feet. What is the length of the garden?

I'll bet there's a number between "is" and "feet."

To find the length of Mrs. Charleston's vegetable garden, we need to know the width of the garden. However, the width is missing in the provided question. Please provide the width of the garden so that I can calculate the length for you.