Part 3: Write.

1. Write a persuasive argument explaining why you think this innovation is the most important development of ancient China.
2. Your argument should include the following:
a. Begin with an opening sentence, introducing your argument.
b. Add three specific facts that support your argument.
i. Support your argument with when, where, and why it developed, and how it was used or practiced.
ii. Support your argument by explaining whom it impacted and how.
iii. Support your argument with modern examples.
c. Add a closing sentence, summing up your ideas.
3. Each fact should be supported with a strong, clear explanation.
4. Your argument should be written in paragraph form.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

can someone help me out i got all my paper done but the argument, how do i start

What part of this don't you understand?

"a. Begin with an opening sentence, introducing your argument."

i don't know i should type it

or how to start

Why do you think this innovation was the most important?

Sure! Here's an example of a persuasive argument explaining why the innovation of papermaking is the most important development of ancient China:

Papermaking, an innovation that emerged in ancient China, stands as the most crucial and impactful development of its time. This groundbreaking invention revolutionized communication, education, and ultimately, human civilization. Firstly, papermaking originated in the early 2nd century BCE during the Han Dynasty and rapidly spread throughout China. Its development was driven by the need for an efficient and cost-effective alternative to silk, which was limited in supply and expensive. Moreover, with its invention, paper became a key medium for recording knowledge, enabling the dissemination of ideas on a much larger scale.

In addition to its wide-reaching influence on education and knowledge-sharing, paper also had a profound impact on society as a whole. Unlike costly alternatives such as silk or bamboo, paper was affordable and accessible to ordinary people. This accessibility democratized education by allowing more individuals to access written resources and enhance their learning. Moreover, the extensive use of paper in administrative tasks and bureaucratic systems enabled efficient record-keeping and improved governance. From ancient scholars to government officials, papermaking touched the lives of countless individuals, positively shaping the society they lived in.

Importantly, the significance of papermaking extends far beyond ancient China. In today's digital age, where most information is accessed digitally, paper still has its role and impact. For instance, in many industries, physical documents are still used for legal purposes and documentation. Moreover, paper continues to be a medium of artistic expression, with numerous traditional and contemporary artists utilizing it for their creations. Its durability and versatility make it irreplaceable in various contexts, proving that the invention of papermaking remains relevant even in the fast-paced modern world.

In conclusion, the innovation of papermaking truly stands as the most important development of ancient China. Its invention provided a means to record and share knowledge efficiently, impacting the lives of countless people and shaping the course of history. From its humble beginnings in China to its enduring relevance today, papermaking has left an indelible mark on human civilization.

Remember, when writing a persuasive argument, it's crucial to support each fact with a strong, clear explanation. By providing specific details about when, where, and why papermaking developed, how it was used and practiced, its impact on individuals and society, and even modern examples, you strengthen your argument and make it more convincing.