1.scientists who capture fish from depths of 1000m or more for study have to bring them to the surface in pressurized containers. why do they do this?

2.a car of mass 600 kg has four tyres each of surface area 0.005m^2. determine the pressure exerted by each tyre on the ground
3.give reasons
a.non metals general do not displace hydrogen from dilute acids
b.aluminium easily combines with oxygen but still can be used for making kitchen utensils
4.can we store ferrous sulphatebsolution in zinc container?give reasons and write the chemical equation involved

please help
this is not my HW these are my doubt's
please help

1. Scientists capture fish from depths of 1000m or more in pressurized containers because of a phenomenon called decompression sickness, also known as "the bends." At such depths, the fish are exposed to extremely high pressures due to the weight of the water above them. These pressures affect their bodily systems, including their swim bladder, which controls buoyancy. When these fish are rapidly brought to the surface without gradual decompression, the sudden decrease in pressure can cause their swim bladder to expand too quickly, leading to injury or death. By using pressurized containers, scientists can control the rate of pressure change and gradually acclimate the fish to the lower pressures at the surface, minimizing harm.

2. To determine the pressure exerted by each tire on the ground, you need to know the total force exerted by the car and then divide it by the total contact area of all four tires. The formula for pressure is pressure = force / area.

For example, let's assume the total force exerted by the car is 6000 Newtons (N) (600 kg x 10 m/s² acceleration due to gravity), and the total contact area of all four tires is 0.020 m² (4 tires x 0.005 m² each).

Pressure = Force / Area
Pressure = 6000 N / 0.020 m²
Pressure = 300,000 N/m², which is equal to 300,000 Pascal (Pa).

Therefore, each tire exerts a pressure of 300,000 Pa on the ground.

3a. Non-metals generally do not displace hydrogen from dilute acids because hydrogen is not reactive enough to be displaced by most non-metals. Non-metals tend to have higher electronegativity values, meaning they have a greater affinity for electrons. When non-metals come into contact with dilute acids, they do not have a strong enough tendency to gain electrons from hydrogen ions (H+) to displace hydrogen gas (H2) from the acid.

3b. Aluminum is able to combine with oxygen to form aluminum oxide, which creates a thin, protective layer on its surface. This layer acts as a barrier, preventing further reaction with oxygen. It is this oxide layer that allows aluminum to resist corrosion and makes it suitable for making kitchen utensils. The oxide layer is inert and doesn't react with the food being cooked or stored.

4. Ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) solution cannot be stored in a zinc container. This is because zinc is more reactive than iron, and when it is in contact with the solution containing ferrous sulfate, a redox reaction occurs where zinc gets oxidized to zinc sulfate, and iron gets reduced to ferrous sulfate. The chemical reaction can be represented as:

Zn(s) + FeSO4(aq) -> ZnSO4(aq) + Fe(s)

As a result of this reaction, the ferrous sulfate solution would become contaminated with zinc sulfate, rendering it unsuitable for storage or further use. Therefore, it is recommended to use containers made of materials that are chemically compatible with the substances being stored.