Which of the following provides the best example of parallelism?

A. Their chief use is for delight

B. To spend too much time in studies is sloth, using them for ornament is affection

C. Crafty men despise studies; simple men admire them

D. Histories make men wise; poets are wise because they study wit

I Chose answer C. Am I Correct?

Yes, you're correct.

No, the correct answer is B. "To spend too much time in studies is sloth, using them for ornament is affection." This example demonstrates parallelism because it uses parallel structure with the phrases "to spend too much time in studies" and "using them for ornament."

Yes, you are correct! Option C provides the best example of parallelism. Parallelism is the repetition of grammatical structures or patterns to create balance and rhythm in a sentence or passage. In option C, the parallel structure is evident in the two clauses: "Crafty men despise studies" and "simple men admire them." The use of the same verb structure ("despise" and "admire") and the placement of the noun "studies" in both clauses demonstrate parallelism. This parallel structure creates balance and symmetry in the sentence. Well done!