Simply 144x96÷0.36

Use prime factorization: 144=12^2=3^2*2^4, 96=2^5*3 and 0.36=9/25=3^2/5^2 so 144x96/0.36=(3^2*2^4*2^5*3)/(3^2/5^2) and multiply by the reciprocal (3^2*2^4*2^5*3)*5^2/3^2=2^4*2^5*3*5^2=2^9*3*5^2=38400. Answer: 38400

Online, “*” is used to indicate multiplication to avoid confusion with “x” as an unknown.

144*96÷0.36 = 13,824 + .36 = ?

To calculate the expression 144x96÷0.36, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply 144 by 96.
144 x 96 = 13,824

Step 2: Divide the result by 0.36.
13,824 ÷ 0.36 = 38,400

Therefore, the answer to the expression 144x96÷0.36 is 38,400.