A system of government in which the power to govern is concentrated in the hands of one individual is known as?

A.) Autocracy
B.) Democracy
C.) Theocracy
D.) Oligarchy

Please look up the meanings of these words.

The correct answer is A) Autocracy. An autocracy is a system of government in which the power to govern is concentrated in the hands of one individual. To determine the correct answer, we first need to understand the definitions of each option.

A) Autocracy: As mentioned above, autocracy is a system of government where a single individual holds all the power. This individual can either be a monarch, dictator, or any other authoritative figure.

B) Democracy: Democracy is a system of government where power rests with the people, who exercise their power directly or through elected representatives. It promotes the principles of equality and reflects the will of the majority.

C) Theocracy: Theocracy is a system of government in which religious leaders hold the authoritative power and rule in the name of their religious beliefs and doctrines.

D) Oligarchy: An oligarchy is a system of government in which power is held by a small group of individuals who belong to a certain social or economic class.

To answer the question correctly, we analyze the definitions. Since an autocracy refers to a government where all power is in the hands of one person, the correct answer is A) Autocracy.