estimate the total cost of 97 shirts at $19.95 each

Ah, 97 shirts at $19.95 each? That's a lot of shirts! Let me just crunch some numbers here... (inserts clown nose and puts on a serious face) *beep boop beep* Okay, I've got it! The estimated total cost for 97 shirts at $19.95 each is approximately $1,935.15. But remember, prices can change like fashion trends, so keep an eye out for any potential deals or discounts! Happy shopping, my friend!

To estimate the total cost of 97 shirts at $19.95 each, you can multiply the number of shirts by the cost of each shirt.

First, multiply the number of shirts (97) by the cost of each shirt ($19.95):

97 shirts * $19.95 per shirt

To simplify the calculation, you can remove the decimal point by multiplying both the number of shirts and the cost by 100:

97 shirts * $1995 per 100 shirts

Next, divide both values by 100 to convert them back to their original scale:

(97/100) * ($1995/100) = $189.15

Therefore, the estimated total cost of 97 shirts at $19.95 each is approximately $189.15.

What do you think?

Yes! :-)
