Are these grammatically correct?

1. This movie had me laughing from beginning to end.
-Ce film m'a fait rire du début à la fin .

2. The children in it are all exceptional actors and the writer is brilliant in his writing and humor.

Les enfants de ce sont tous les acteurs exceptionnels et l'écrivain est brillant dans son écriture et l'humour .

3.This was an adorable movie!
Ce fut un film adorable!

I'll send this to one of our French experts.

i answered this earlier today but ai do not see it posted so I'll try again.

1. ok

2. "In it ". Is "dans ELLE". Les" is "des."

3. nOt "ce" which is an adjective, and you need "Cela" and "fut" is passE simple. I'd use Etait (with accent on the E) or "a EtE."

sOrry but I do not yet know how ro use my new iPad Pro!


Not "Elle" but "celui-Cindy" for le film. Sra

i am hAVINGSO MUCH TROUBLE WITH THIS NEW MACHINE! 'Cindy' should be ' ci.'


Yes, these sentences are grammatically correct translations of the English sentences into French.

To answer the question and verify whether these sentences are grammatically correct, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept: The first step is to understand the grammatical rules of the language in question. In this case, we are checking the grammatical accuracy of French sentences.

2. Verify subject-verb agreement: Ensure that the subject and the verb agree in terms of number and gender. In French, nouns and adjectives also agree in terms of gender and number.

3. Check word order: Verify that the word order follows the correct structure and syntax of the language. In French, the typical word order is subject-verb-object, but there are exceptions and variations.

4. Review sentence meaning: Read the sentence and make sure it conveys the intended meaning accurately. Ensure that any idiomatic expressions or cultural references are appropriately translated.

By following these steps, you can assess the grammatical correctness of sentences in various languages, including French.