Problem: 3-3x18+2=? Answer: 3-54+2= 3-56= -53 ; is it correct? I did follow the order of operations. Thanks...

Answer:3-3x18+2= 3-54+2= 3-56= -53 I did follow the order of operation;multiplication,addition & subtraction.

On my calculator, that would come out


Your answer will be 49. You have to go from left to right.

Actually, there seems to be a slight mistake in your calculation. Let me walk you through it step by step, following the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction):

1. Start by simplifying any operations inside parentheses or brackets. However, in this case, there aren't any.

2. Move on to any exponents or powers, but there aren't any in this expression.

3. Next comes multiplication and division from left to right. In the given equation, we have -3 multiplied by 18. Multiplying these gives us -54.

4. Now, let's rewrite the expression with the multiplication step already performed: 3 - 54 + 2.

5. Lastly, we perform addition and subtraction from left to right. First, subtract 54 from 3: 3 - 54 = -51. Now, add 2 to -51: -51 + 2 = -49.

Therefore, the correct answer to the given expression 3 - 3 * 18 + 2 is actually -49, not -53.


3 - 3x18 + 2
= 3 - 54 + 2
= -51 + 2
= -49

take your calculator and enter the calculations in the exact form

3 - 3x18 + 2