Question #1: Which characteristics make "The Rider" a lyric poem?

a. It uses musical language and expresses feelings
b. It tells a story about a historical event
c. It rhymes and has a regular rhythm
d. It uses repetition and describes a natural event

According to what I have studied a lyric poem expresses the poet’s thoughts and feelings about a single image or idea in vivid, musical language. A lyric poem is like a song lyric.

I think that answer "b" is incorrect because the poem is not describing a historical event. I think the answer is "a".

The poem that the question is asking about can be found below:

The Rider

"A boy told me
if he rollerskated fast enough
his loneliness couldn't catch up to him.

the best reason I ever heard
for trying to be a champion

What I wonder tonight
pedaling hard down on King William Street
is if it translates to bicycles

A victory! To leave your loneliness
panting behing you on some street corner
while you float free into a cloud of sudden azaleas,
luminous pink pedals that have
never felt loneliness,
no matter how slowly they fell."

Question #2: When the speaker in "Winter" says, "I collect books / For the coming winter,", what is her attitude toward the coming colde weather?

a. positive
b. uninterested
c. fearful
d. angry

I think the answer is "a" becaue it's collecting books for the winter and because it doesn't says that it's sad.

The complete poem is below:

"Frogs burrow the mud snails bury themselves
and I air my quilts
preparing for the cold

Dogs grow more hair
mothers make oatmeal
and little boys and girls
take Father John's Medicine

Bears store fat
chipmunks gather nuts
and I collect books
For the coming winter"

Question #3: A concrete poem, such as "Seal,"

a. has few or no figures of speech
b. contain a single image or idea and musical language
c. has a shape that suggests its subject
d. is a traditional form of Japanese poetry

According to what I have studied in a concrete poem, the poet arranges the letters and lines to create a visual image that suggests the poem’s subject. In a concrete poem, you can see the structure just like you can see concrete blocks in a wall. So I think the answer is "c".

Here's the complete poem.

See how he dives
From the rocks with a zoom!
See how he darts
Through his watery room
Past crabs and eels
And green seaweed,
Past fluffs of sandy
Minnow feed!
See how he swims
With a swerve and a twist,
A flip of the flipper,
A flick of the wrist!
Softer than spray,
Down he plunges
And sweeps away;
Before you can think,
Before you can utter
Words like “Dill pickle”
Or “Apple butter,”
Back up he swims
Past Sting Ray and Shark,
Out with a zoom,
A whoop, a bark;
Before you can say
Whatever you wish,
He plops at your side
With a mouthful of fish!

Thank You

1. a. it uses musical language and expresses feelings.

2. a. positive
3. c. has a shape that suggests its subject.
4. c. gives off light.
5. a. Through the glass bottom of the boat, we could see hundred of minnows swimming together.
Got a 100


100% I just took it

Margo is 100% correct.

Margo is correct 100%


they all right..

Margo is correct!

- McKenziNeedsTheHelp

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You are, again, correct on all three! Good work again!

Thanks Reed for your help. :-)


these are wrong