Yasmin lives 400m from Anton.Kevin lives 0.45km from Anton.Jared lives 40 000mm from Anton.who lives closest to Anton?


express all distances in the sam units:

400m = 400m
.45km = 450m
40,000mm = 40m

Now what do you think?

the answer is Jared because if you look at 40 000 and you take away the 3 zero you are going to get 40 in m


To determine who lives closest to Anton, we need to convert the distances to a common unit of measurement and compare them.

Let's convert the distances given:
- Yasmin lives 400m from Anton.
- Kevin lives 0.45km from Anton, which is 450m (since 1 km = 1000m).
- Jared lives 40,000mm from Anton, which is also 40m (since 1m = 1000mm).

Now, we have the following distances in meters:
- Yasmin: 400m
- Kevin: 450m
- Jared: 40m

Comparing these distances, we can see that Jared lives closest to Anton since he is only 40 meters away, while both Yasmin and Kevin are farther away.