The density of gasoline is 0.72 grams per cubic centimeter. What is the mass in units of kilograms of a 5-gallon container filled completely with gasoline? Ignore the mass of the container.

5gal / 0.264gal * 1000mL / 1mL=18939.39cm^3

.72g/cm^3 * 18939.39cm^3= .72g * 18939.39

18939.39 * 0.72g = 13636.36g/1000g = 13.63kg

To find the mass of the gasoline, we need to convert the volume of the container from gallons to cubic centimeters, then multiply it by the density of gasoline.

Step 1: Convert gallons to cubic centimeters:
1 gallon is equal to approximately 3785.41 cubic centimeters. Therefore, 5 gallons is equal to 5 * 3785.41 = 18927.05 cubic centimeters.

Step 2: Multiply the volume with the density:
Mass = Volume * Density
Mass = 18927.05 cubic centimeters * 0.72 grams per cubic centimeter

Step 3: Convert grams to kilograms:
Since the question asks for the mass in kilograms, we need to convert grams to kilograms. There are 1000 grams in a kilogram.

Mass in kilograms = (18927.05 cubic centimeters * 0.72 grams per cubic centimeter) / 1000

Now, let's calculate the mass:
Mass in kilograms = (18927.05 * 0.72) / 1000
Mass in kilograms = 13638.264 / 1000
Mass in kilograms ≈ 13.638 kilograms

Therefore, the mass of a 5-gallon container filled completely with gasoline is approximately 13.638 kilograms.

To find the mass of a 5-gallon container filled completely with gasoline, we need to convert the volume from gallons to cubic centimeters and then use the density to calculate the mass.

1 gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.78541 liters or 3785.41 cubic centimeters. Therefore, a 5-gallon container would have a volume of 5 x 3785.41 = 18927.05 cubic centimeters.

Now, we can use the density provided to calculate the mass. The density of gasoline is 0.72 grams per cubic centimeter. So, the mass of the gasoline in grams would be:

Mass = Volume x Density = 18927.05 cm^3 x 0.72 g/cm^3

To convert the mass from grams to kilograms, we divide by 1000 since there are 1000 grams in a kilogram. Therefore:

Mass (in kilograms) = (18927.05 cm^3 x 0.72 g/cm^3) / 1000

Let's solve this equation to find the answer:

Mass (in kilograms) = 13652.82 g / 1000 = 13.65282 kg

So, the mass of a 5-gallon container filled completely with gasoline would be approximately 13.65 kilograms.

Mass = 0.00072kg/cm^3 * 37854cm^3/gal * 5gal. = 136.3 kg.