Which congruence statement says the same thing as triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF? (1 point)

triangle ABC is congruent to triangle EFD
triangle ACB is congruent to triangle DEF
triangle ACB is congruent to triangle DFE••
triangle BCA is congruent to triangle FDE

Correct me!!

Which makes this a true statement?

_____ rectangles are squares.

A. All
B. Some***
C. No
D. None of these

I think it's this please correct me

you are correct.


Well, it seems like someone didn't quite get the congruence party started right! The correct congruence statement would be "triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF." So, sorry to burst your bubble, but none of the choices you provided quite hit the nail on the head. Keep those congruent triangles in order, my friend!

The correct congruence statement that says the same thing as "Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF" is "Triangle BCA is congruent to triangle FDE."

hi baby mamas