Which of the following activities would contribute the most to global warming?

-driving a solar-powered car

-snowmobiling around a national park(i picked)

-launching an engineless glider

-trekking by horseback


To determine which activity would contribute the most to global warming, we need to assess the environmental impact of each activity. Global warming, also known as climate change, is primarily caused by the release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), into the atmosphere.

Let's assess each activity:

1. Driving a solar-powered car: Solar-powered cars use renewable energy from the sun to generate electricity, which makes them more environmentally friendly compared to conventional gasoline-powered cars. While they still require the production and maintenance of the vehicle itself, the emissions associated with solar-powered cars are significantly lower than those from fossil fuel-based vehicles. Therefore, driving a solar-powered car would have a minimal contribution to global warming.

2. Snowmobiling around a national park: Snowmobiles are powered by internal combustion engines that run on gasoline. This activity tends to have a detrimental impact on the environment, including contributing to air and noise pollution. Additionally, the burning of gasoline releases CO2 emissions, contributing to global warming. Therefore, snowmobiling around a national park would have a significant contribution to global warming.

3. Launching an engineless glider: Engineless gliders, such as those used in recreational flying activities, do not emit any greenhouse gases directly since they don't have engines. Their impact on global warming is negligible, as they rely only on wind currents and do not burn any fossil fuels.

4. Trekking by horseback: Trekking by horseback is an eco-friendly means of transportation as it does not involve the use of engines or fossil fuels. Horses emit relatively small amounts of methane (a potent greenhouse gas), but their contribution to global warming is significantly less than that of activities involving motorized vehicles.

Based on this assessment, snowmobiling around a national park would contribute the most to global warming, as it involves the use of gasoline-powered vehicles that emit greenhouse gases.