Tasha earns $400 per week plus a commission of 10% on her weekly sales. Each week she saves of her earnings. In the expression , what does the expression 400 + 0.1s represent in this situation?

$400 plus 10% of sales

Tasha earns $400 per week plus a commission of 10% on her weekly sales. Each week she saves of her earnings. In the expression , what does the expression 400 + 0.1s represent in this situation?

In this situation, the expression 400 + 0.1s represents Tasha's total earnings per week.

The initial $400 is her fixed base salary, and the term 0.1s represents the commission she earns based on her weekly sales.

By multiplying the sales amount (s) by 0.1 (10% commission rate), she calculates her additional earnings from commission. Adding this to her base salary of $400 gives her the total amount she earns each week.

In this situation, the expression "400 + 0.1s" represents Tasha's total earnings for the week. Let's break down the expression:

- The number 400 represents Tasha's base salary or fixed income per week, which is $400.
- The term "0.1s" represents Tasha's commission on her sales. The variable "s" represents her weekly sales, and the 0.1 indicates that Tasha earns a commission of 10% on her sales.

When you add the $400 fixed income to the 10% commission earned from her sales (which is 0.1s), it gives you the total amount of money Tasha earns in a week.