a rug in the shape of a regular quadrilateral has a side length of 20ft what is the perimeter of the rug?


Correct me if I'm wrong!!

Yo, PlantGang got you:

1. A, C
2. B
3.A, C

Yo, Guys, The PlantGang Has Got Ya:

1. A, C
2. B
3.A, C

Its D 80

Try D

a "regular quadrilateral" usually menas all sides are equal, and it does not have to be square.

is sides are 20ft, perimeter has to be four times one side.

It's 100% D

aye plantgang 37224 is right i got a 100


To find the perimeter of a regular quadrilateral, you need to add up the lengths of all its sides. Since the rug is described as having a side length of 20 feet, and a regular quadrilateral has four equal sides, the perimeter of the rug would be 4 times the side length.

Therefore, the correct answer is 4 * 20ft, which equals 80ft. So, the correct option is 80ft.

So, your correction is incorrect. The correct answer is 80ft.

You haven't posted enough information to find the perimeter. However, how can the perimeter be smaller than one side???