Daniel is having a poster printed from a photo that is 3inches wide and 5inches long if the poster is 24 inches long how wide should the poster be if it is proportional to the photo


Yes, the width is 14.4 inches.

To find the width of the poster, we need to determine the proportion between the length and width of the photo.

First, we calculate the length-to-width ratio of the photo by dividing the length by the width:
Ratio = Length / Width

In this case, the length of the photo is 5 inches and the width is 3 inches. Thus, the ratio is:
Ratio = 5 / 3

Next, we can use this ratio to find the width of the poster. We know that the length of the poster is 24 inches. Therefore, we can set up a proportion equation:

Ratio = Length of the poster / Width of the poster

Replacing the known values, we get:
5 / 3 = 24 / Width of the poster

To find the width of the poster, we can cross-multiply and solve the equation:
5 * Width of the poster = 3 * 24

Dividing both sides of the equation by 5, we find:
Width of the poster = (3 * 24) / 5

Evaluating the expression on the right side of the equation gives us the width of the poster:
Width of the poster = (72) / 5

After performing the calculation, we find that the width of the poster, to be proportional to the photo, should be approximately 14.4 inches.