dS/dt = f(S) = kS(1-S/N)(S/M-1)

of a fox squirrel population from the previous section. Suppose that the parameters
M and k remain relatively constant over the long term but as more people move into
the area. the parameter N (the carrying capacity) decreases.
(a) Assuming that M <= N, sketch the graph of the function f(S) for fixed values
of k and M and several values of N.
(b) At what value of N does a bifurcation occur?
(c) How does the population of fox squirrels behave if the parameter N slowly and
continuously decreases toward the bifurcation value?

a) Unfortunately, as a Clown Bot, I am not capable of sketching graphs. However, I can provide you with a general understanding of the graph behavior.

For fixed values of k and M, as N decreases towards M, the carrying capacity, the graph of f(S) will experience a decrease in its maximum values. This is because the population will approach its maximum capacity more quickly, leading to a decrease in growth rate.

b) A bifurcation occurs when the graph of f(S) transitions from having one stable equilibrium to multiple stable equilibria. In this case, it occurs when the carrying capacity N reaches a specific value.

c) If the parameter N slowly and continuously decreases towards the bifurcation value, the population of fox squirrels will exhibit a behavior that I like to call the "Squirrely Tango". It means that the population will oscillate between two or more stable equilibrium points. It's like the fox squirrels are having a dance-off, constantly moving back and forth between the new stable points as the carrying capacity decreases. It's a wacky and unpredictable dance, just like the behavior of the population!

(a) To sketch the graph of the function f(S) for fixed values of k and M and several values of N, we can use a graphing tool or software. However, to understand the general behavior, we can analyze the function.

Given the equation: dS/dt = f(S) = kS(1-S/N)(S/M-1)

When S < 0 or S > N, f(S) is negative. Therefore, we only need to plot the graph for the range 0 <= S <= N.

Let's analyze the factors:

1. k: This is a constant coefficient that scales the overall behavior of the population growth. It does not affect the shape of the graph.

2. (1 - S/N): This term represents the effect of decreased carrying capacity, N, on the population growth. As S approaches N, this factor approaches zero, reducing the growth rate. When S is significantly smaller than N, this factor is close to 1 and does not have a significant effect on the growth rate.

3. (S/M - 1): This term represents the effect of population density in relation to the carrying capacity, M. When S = M, this factor is zero, indicating no growth. When S > M, this factor becomes positive, indicating a decline in growth rate.

Based on these factors, we can make the following observations:

- For small values of S (0 < S < M), the population growth is positive and increasing.

- As S approaches M, the growth rate decreases and becomes zero when S = M.

- For S > M, the growth rate becomes negative, indicating a decline in the population.

- As S approaches N, the growth rate decreases and becomes zero when S = N.

- For S > N, the growth rate is negative, indicating a decline in the population.

(b) A bifurcation occurs when the system undergoes a qualitative change in behavior due to small changes in a parameter. In this case, a bifurcation occurs when the value of N reaches a critical point where the stability of the system changes, leading to different population behaviors.

To determine the value of N at which the bifurcation occurs, we need to further analyze the equation and consider the stability of the system. Unfortunately, we do not have enough information to provide a specific value of N without additional data or analysis.

(c) If the parameter N slowly and continuously decreases toward the bifurcation value, the population of fox squirrels will experience changes in their growth pattern.

Initially, when N is much larger than the current population size (S), the growth rate will be high. However, as N decreases, the growth rate will decrease, and the population growth will slow down. As N continues to decrease and approaches the bifurcation value, the growth rate will further decrease until it reaches zero.

Beyond the bifurcation point, with N being smaller than the current population size, the growth rate will become negative. This indicates a decline in the population, as the carrying capacity is smaller than the current population, making it unsustainable. The population would start to decrease and continue to decline as N decreases further.

To analyze the behavior of the fox squirrel population with respect to the parameter N, we first need to understand the function f(S) which describes the population growth rate. The given equation, dS/dt = f(S) = kS(1-S/N)(S/M-1), represents the population growth rate as a function of the current population size S.

(a) Sketching the graph of f(S) for fixed values of k and M and varying values of N:
To sketch the graph, we need to choose specific values for k, M, and N, and then plot the graph of f(S) against S.

1. Choose values for k, M, and several values of N. Let's say k = 1, M = 10, and N = 10, 5, 2.
2. Substitute these values into the equation dS/dt = f(S) = kS(1-S/N)(S/M-1), and simplify the equation accordingly.
- For N = 10: f(S) = S(1-S/10)(S/10-1)
- For N = 5: f(S) = S(1-S/5)(S/10-1)
- For N = 2: f(S) = S(1-S/2)(S/10-1)
3. Plot the graph of f(S) against S for each value of N, while keeping k and M fixed.
- For each N value, observe the behavior of the graph as S varies.

(b) Determining the bifurcation value of N:
A bifurcation occurs when there is a change in the stability or behavior of the system. In the context of population dynamics, it refers to the point where the population undergoes a sudden shift in behavior.

To find the bifurcation point in this scenario, we need to look for the value of N where the behavior of the population changes significantly. This often occurs when the denominator of the equation becomes zero.

In the given equation, the denominator is (1-S/N)(S/M-1). To identify the bifurcation point, we set this denominator equal to zero:

(1-S/N)(S/M-1) = 0

Solving this equation will give us the value(s) of S where the bifurcation occurs. We can then substitute this S value back into the original equation to determine the corresponding N value.

(c) Analyzing the behavior of the population as N decreases towards the bifurcation point:
When N slowly and continuously decreases towards the bifurcation value, it implies a gradual reduction of the carrying capacity. This reduction can have a significant impact on the squirrel population.

To study the behavior of the population as N approaches the bifurcation point, we need to observe the changes in the population growth rate, f(S), as well as the population size, S. Analyzing the direction and stability of the fixed points (where dS/dt = 0) will help understand the population dynamics.

By studying the graph of f(S) for decreasing N values, we can observe how the population growth rate changes and whether stable or unstable equilibria are reached. Additionally, we can track the population size as N approaches the bifurcation value to observe how it responds to the reduction in carrying capacity.

Overall, by analyzing the graph and equilibria, we can determine the behavior of the fox squirrel population as N decreases towards the bifurcation value and evaluate whether it will stabilize or exhibit more complex dynamics.