What would most likely happen to cells placed in fresh water?

a- water would flow out because they are hypotonic to the external environment

b- water would flow into them because they are hypotonic to the external environment

c- water would flow out of them because they are hypertonic to the external environment

d- water would flow into them because hypertonic to the external environment

my answer is b

the right answer is actually D

the answer is D. water would flow into them because they are hypertonic to the external environment

3 years later am i right ;)

Your answer is correct. If cells are placed in fresh water, water would flow into them because the cells are hypotonic to the external environment. This means that the concentration of solutes in the cells is higher compared to the fresh water. Therefore, water molecules would move from an area of lower solute concentration (the fresh water) to an area of higher solute concentration (the cells) through the process of osmosis, which equalizes the solute concentration on both sides.

I think that is right

I'm sorry I meant c