If angle MNO is congruent to angle SQR which of the following is true?

angle O congruent to angle Q
angle M congruent to angle S
angle MN (with a line of above it) congruent to angle SR (line above SR also)
NO (line above the letters) congruent RS (line above)

M is congruent to S

To find out which of the given statements is true, we need to understand the congruence of angles and remember some relevant geometric properties.

When we say that two angles are congruent, it means they have the same measure.

In this case, angle MNO is congruent to angle SQR.

Let's analyze each statement:

1. "Angle O congruent to angle Q": This statement is not necessarily true based on the information given. We cannot directly conclude the congruence of angles O and Q, unless there is additional information provided.

2. "Angle M congruent to angle S": This statement is not necessarily true based on the information given. Angle M and angle S are not part of the information about congruent angles.

3. "Angle MN congruent to angle SR": This statement is not true. Angle MN and angle SR are not given as congruent angles in the provided information.

4. "NO congruent RS": This statement is true. Based on the given information, angle MNO is congruent to angle SQR. Since the corresponding sides of these angles are NO and RS, we can conclude that NO is congruent to RS.

Therefore, the correct statement is that NO is congruent to RS.