3.)Which of the following are possible results of the Monroe Doctrine?

A.)Native Americans are forced off their lands in the West.

B.)More Americans move westward seeking gold and riches.

C.)The U.S. stops a Spanish ship from entering Florida waters.

D.)European countries have more influence in the Western hemisphere.


Nope. Monroe Doctrine has to do with Central and S America.

No! We've checked two of your answers. Now you're on your own for this question, YRN DJ/Frank.


I agree, you are guessing, fishing for answers. That question on slavery and Georgia confirms it.

To determine which of the given options are possible results of the Monroe Doctrine, let's first understand what the Monroe Doctrine is. The Monroe Doctrine is a foreign policy statement made by President James Monroe in 1823. It asserted that the United States would not tolerate European colonization or interference in the Western hemisphere and that any attempt by European powers to extend their influence would be seen as a threat to the United States' security.

Now, let's examine each option:

A.) Native Americans are forced off their lands in the West.
The Monroe Doctrine was primarily concerned with the influence of European powers in the Western hemisphere, not with the treatment of Native Americans within the United States. Therefore, this option is not a possible direct result of the Monroe Doctrine.

B.) More Americans move westward seeking gold and riches.
The Monroe Doctrine focused on foreign policy and relationships with European nations, not on internal migration within the United States. This option is not directly related to the Monroe Doctrine.

C.) The U.S. stops a Spanish ship from entering Florida waters.
This option aligns with the principles of the Monroe Doctrine. It demonstrates the United States' intent to prevent European powers, in this case, Spain, from extending their influence in the Western hemisphere. Therefore, this option is a possible result of the Monroe Doctrine.

D.) European countries have more influence in the Western hemisphere.
The goal of the Monroe Doctrine was to prevent European influence and colonization in the Western hemisphere. This option contradicts the main objective of the Doctrine and is not a possible result.

Based on the explanation above, the only possible result of the Monroe Doctrine among the options provided is option C.) The U.S. stops a Spanish ship from entering Florida waters.