1.when did jurassic time period start and end?

2. what ERA and EON did jurassic time period occur in?



To find the start and end of the Jurassic time period, as well as the corresponding era and eon, we can consult scientific research and geological records. Here's how you can find that information:

1. Begin by searching for reliable sources such as scientific articles, books, or reputable educational websites. Resources from universities, museums, and geological institutions are often trustworthy.

2. Look for information specifically related to the geological time scale. This scale divides Earth's history into different time periods, eras, and eons.

3. Check for the dates or time range associated with the Jurassic period. The start and end dates may vary slightly depending on the source. However, it is generally accepted that the Jurassic period began approximately 201.3 million years ago and ended about 145 million years ago.

4. Once you have determined the date range, it is possible to determine the corresponding era and eon. The Jurassic period falls within the Mesozoic Era, which is characterized by the dominance of dinosaurs and the emergence of small mammals and flowering plants. Additionally, the Jurassic period is part of the Phanerozoic Eon, which encompasses the last 541 million years of Earth's history.

Remember to always verify information from multiple reliable sources to ensure accuracy.