How do you create a constructor that takes an integer as a parameter to initialize the radius?

To create a constructor that takes an integer parameter to initialize the radius, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Declare a private instance variable to store the radius of the object. The variable should have a suitable data type for representing an integer value.

private int radius;

2. Define a constructor method that takes an integer parameter. This constructor will be used to initialize the radius of an object when it is created.

public ClassName(int radius) {
this.radius = radius;

Make sure to replace `ClassName` with the actual name of your class.

In the constructor above, `this.radius` refers to the instance variable `radius`, and `radius` refers to the parameter passed to the constructor. By using `this`, we distinguish the instance variable from the parameter.

3. You can add additional logic in the constructor to perform any necessary validation or manipulation of the input value before assigning it to the instance variable.

Here's an example illustrating the complete code:

public class Circle {
private int radius;

public Circle(int radius) {
this.radius = radius;

// Other methods and fields can be added below
// ...

By using this constructor, you can create a new `Circle` object and initialize its radius by passing an integer value as an argument.

Circle circle = new Circle(5); // Creates a circle object with radius 5

Remember to replace `Circle` with the actual name of your class.