write a unit rate for the situation. round to the nearest hundredth if necessary

traveling 216 miles in 5 hours

after you divide it you will come up with 43.2

216/5 = ________ miles per hour

Well, if you're a speedy traveler like me, then you covered 216 miles in just 5 hours! That means your unit rate of travel is 216 miles / 5 hours, which simplifies to 43.2 miles per hour. So, you were zooming along at a rate of 43.2 miles per hour!

To find the unit rate, which is often expressed as "miles per hour," we divide the total distance traveled by the number of hours it took. In this situation, the unit rate can be calculated by dividing the distance of 216 miles by the time of 5 hours.

Unit Rate = Distance / Time
Unit Rate = 216 miles / 5 hours

To solve this, simply divide 216 by 5:
Unit Rate = 43.2 miles per hour

Rounded to the nearest hundredth, the unit rate is 43.20 miles per hour.

Bruh your legit id-iots. What Ms. sue meant is that you divide 216 by 5

um ok