Need help please. 183 1/3% of 4800


1.83333 * 4800 = ?

I got 8799.984 or should I just round it to 8800?

Yes. Round to 8800. By using a decimal equivalent instead of the fraction, the answer is going to be off by a very small amount.

Thanks Ms. Sue for your help.

You're welcome, Ron.

Ms Sue, can you check to see if this correct.

From -40 take -55, the answer I came to is 15, is this correct?

Ms Sue, can you check to see if this correct.

From -40 take -55, the answer I came to is 15, is this correct?

I think it looks like -95.

If you're still not sure, post this as a new question. A real math tutor may have a different answer.


To calculate 183 1/3% of 4800, you need to convert the percentage to a decimal and then multiply it by 4800. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal.
To convert 183 1/3% to a decimal, you divide it by 100.

183 1/3% = 183 1/3 / 100

To convert the mixed number (183 1/3) to an improper fraction, you multiply the whole number (183) by the denominator (3) and add the numerator (1). Then, you put the sum over the denominator.

183 1/3 / 100 = (183*3 + 1) / 3 / 100
= (549 + 1) / 3 / 100
= 550 / 3 / 100
= 550 / 300

So, 183 1/3% as a decimal is 550/300.

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by 4800.
To find 183 1/3% of 4800, you multiply the decimal (550/300) by 4800.

(550/300) * 4800

To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators (top numbers) together, and the denominators (bottom numbers) together.
(550 * 4800) / (300)

Now, you can calculate this expression:
(550 * 4800) / 300 = 2,200,000 / 300 = 7333.33

Therefore, 183 1/3% of 4800 is approximately 7333.33.