Who owns the factors of production?

A. firms
B. the market
C. individuals
D. households

I thought it was firms but I am not sure that I am understanding the question correctly...help?

What are the "factors" of production? Companies or corporations (firms) often own the factories or means of production. Sometimes it's an individual or a family. It depends on your definition of "factors".

That is why I am confused...

What does your text say? That's all you have to go on. "Factors" can mean not only the means of production (manufacturing, etc.) but natural resources (mining, oil drilling, etc.), labor, and other factors.

Okay, I'll hit the books again....thanks for the help Reed :)

It's great that you're seeking clarification! Understanding the question correctly is crucial to providing an accurate answer. The factors of production refer to the resources used in the production process, such as land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

In terms of ownership, the factors of production can be owned by different entities. Let's break down each option to determine the correct answer:

A. Firms: Firms, also known as businesses or companies, utilize the factors of production to produce goods and services. While firms use the factors of production, they do not necessarily own them.

B. The market: The market refers to the interaction of buyers and sellers, where resources are allocated through supply and demand. While the market plays a role in the distribution and allocation of factors of production, it does not own them.

C. Individuals: Individuals, such as self-employed workers, can own and utilize factors of production. For example, an individual may own and operate a small farm utilizing their land and labor.

D. Households: Households, which refer to individuals or groups of people living together, can own and provide the factors of production. For instance, a household may own land or invest in capital such as machinery or equipment.

Considering the options, the correct answer would be:

C. Individuals
D. Households

As individuals and households can own and provide the factors of production.