Consider the reaction

Select a possible mechanism for the reaction.
Step1:Step2:Step3:Z2→Z+Z (slow)X2Y+Z→X2YZ (fast)X2Y+Z→X2YZ (fast)

To select a possible mechanism for the given reaction, we need to carefully analyze the reactants, products, and overall reaction conditions.

In this case, we have two reactants, Z2 and X2Y, and two products, Z+Z and X2YZ. The reaction conditions suggest that the first step is the slowest step indicated by "slow". This information is essential because the slow step usually determines the overall rate of the reaction.

Considering these details, let's analyze the possible mechanisms:

Step 1: Z2 → Z+Z (slow)
This is likely to be a dissociation reaction in which Z2 molecule breaks into two Z atoms. Since this step is indicated as the slow step, it suggests that it involves the breaking of a strong bond in the Z2 molecule.

Step 2: X2Y + Z → X2YZ (fast)
This step involves the reaction between X2Y and Z, resulting in the formation of X2YZ. However, there is a slight issue with this mechanism because it is repeated twice in the given information. It should be noted that a step cannot occur twice in a mechanism, as each reaction step is unique.

To form a proper mechanism, we might consider an alternative second step. However, without additional information or details, we cannot definitively determine a possible mechanism from the provided data. It is also worth noting that additional experimental data, such as rate laws or intermediates, would be helpful in determining a more accurate mechanism for this reaction.