Correct me if I'm wrong!!

Ken Has Dipped Many Dark Chocolate Marshmallows (which helps you remember the metric system distance units in decreasing order: Kilometer, Hectometer, Decameter, Meter, Decimeter, Centimeter, Millimeter) is an example of which type of mnemonic?

A. poem
B. acronym
C. acrostic ••
D. abbreviation


Yes, C.

That's correct! Ken Has Dipped Many Dark Chocolate Marshmallows is an example of an acrostic mnemonic, where the first letter of each word corresponds to the first letter of each unit in the metric system distance units. Great job!

Correct! Ken Has Dipped Many Dark Chocolate Marshmallows is an example of an acrostic mnemonic. In an acrostic mnemonic, the first letter of each word represents the first letter of an ordered list or a sequence that needs to be memorized. In this case, the first letter of each word helps you remember the metric system distance units in decreasing order: Kilometer, Hectometer, Decameter, Meter, Decimeter, Centimeter, and Millimeter.

You are correct! The mnemonic "Ken Has Dipped Many Dark Chocolate Marshmallows" is an example of an acrostic mnemonic.

An acrostic mnemonic is a memory aid that uses the first letter of each word in a sentence or phrase to help remember a sequence or set of information. In this case, the first letter of each word corresponds to the first letter of each unit in the metric system distance units: Kilometer, Hectometer, Decameter, Meter, Decimeter, Centimeter, and Millimeter. By using the acrostic "Ken Has Dipped Many Dark Chocolate Marshmallows," you can easily remember the order of these distance units.

So, the correct answer is C. acrostic. Well done!