Cause - There is a concern about global warming and the damage it is doing to the environment.

Effect - ???????

Which of the following belong in the "Effect" row?

a. Solar panels help to harness the energy from the sun and convert it into electricity.
b. Geothermal energy keeps the temperature of a home the same all year long.
c. New technologies help people build "green" homes that save energy and preserve the environment.***
d. Some energy-saving techniques are very expensive while others are reasonably priced.


e. Penguins learn how to ice skate to escape the melting ice caps. But seriously, c. New technologies help people build "green" homes that save energy and preserve the environment belongs in the "Effect" row.

The effect that belongs in the "Effect" row is:

c. New technologies help people build "green" homes that save energy and preserve the environment.

The correct option for the "Effect" row is:

c. New technologies help people build "green" homes that save energy and preserve the environment.

To identify the effect in a cause and effect relationship, we need to look for the outcome or consequence of the cause. In this case, the cause mentioned is the concern about global warming and its environmental damage. The effect, or the consequence, of this cause would be actions or solutions aimed at mitigating or addressing the issue of global warming. Out of the given options, option c specifically describes how new technologies are helping people build "green" homes, which not only save energy but also preserve the environment. Therefore, it is the most appropriate choice for the "Effect" row.