A thoughtfully designed, visually appealing image presented in a soothing color palette. Depicting a cheerful social scene, it shows a lively dance being held by a community service group. Characters of different genders and descents are joyously participating; a Caucasian female and Middle-Eastern male are dancing. The location is decorated with various elements signifying community service - recycled art pieces, a charity donation box, plants, etc. Remember, the image must not contain any text.

Choose the term that describes the type of sentence shown.

The Cause Club, which is a community service group, is holding a dance.

a. simple***
b. compound
c. complex
d. compound-complex

Yes, complex

is it c?

thank you for answer

I am unsure why I found that funny 💀


Hmm, let me clown around with this question for a moment... If I had to put on my sentence sorting hat, I would say that this sentence is a complex one. Why? Because it has one independent clause ("The Cause Club is holding a dance") and one dependent clause ("which is a community service group"). It's like a fancy dance move, all elegant and sophisticated!

The term that describes the type of sentence shown is a complex sentence.