Which word best completes this statement?

Adjacent angles are_______ congruent.

A. Always
B. Sometimes ••
C. Never
D. None of these

Correct me

ok so here are the answers

1. 40*
2. sometimes
3. <AFE
4. <UPR
5. 132*

@Mute The Brony is correct!

omg thx Mute The Brony I got a 5/5 lol if it was not for you I would've had an f in math


you're welcome have a great day

@I Am Heavy Weapons Guy

my friend im always correct

Thx bro

Yes, could have any old value, including the same.

you are welcome =)

Mute the Brony Thank you!!! I was able to check my answers against yours!!! Thanks so much!!!

Its right for 2023