Which words should be deleted to remove redundancy?

At first, my initial reaction was to cancel my subscription to the monthly magazine because the customer service representative was so rude to me.

A) At first,
B) monthly magazine
C) my initial reaction
D) service representative
Please help?

Well, what seems redundant? What is indicated twice in the sentence? What would you eliminate to get rid of the redundancy? When you make a choice, let us know and we'll check your answer.

I believe it is A

You are correct! "At first" and the adjective "initial" mean the same thing, so both are not needed.

To remove redundancy in the given sentence, we need to identify words or phrases that are repetitive or unnecessary for conveying the intended meaning. Here is a breakdown of the options provided:

A) "At first" - This phrase is redundant because it adds no extra meaning to the sentence. The sentence would still make sense without it.

B) "Monthly magazine" - In this context, mentioning "monthly" before "magazine" is unnecessary as it is clear that a subscription to a magazine implies a monthly frequency.

C) "My initial reaction" - The phrase "initial reaction" can be considered redundant because the word "reaction" already implies that it happened at the beginning. Removing "my initial" does not alter the meaning of the sentence.

D) "Service representative" - This phrase is not redundant as it specifies the role of the person being referred to. Removing it would make the sentence less clear.

Therefore, the words recommended for deletion to remove redundancy are:

A) At first
B) Monthly magazine
C) My initial reaction

So, the answer is: A, B, and C