Need help how to do this

Build a Fortune Cookie program that uses either the Chinese Zodiac or astrological signs to generate a fortune, a prediction, or a horoscope based on the user’s input. More specifically, the user may need to input her year of birth, month of birth, and day of birth depending on zodiac or astrological techniques used. With this information, generate a custom message or fortune. You can use the Internet to find more information on the Chinese Zodiac or astrology.

start here:

build and populate a table with the begin and end dates for each sign

populate the table with a message for each sign (be nice)

prompt the user for date of birth

you could also either prompt for day of birth (if needed) or your program could do an online lookup

I would not do it that way if have to use the program in cygwin that's where I have to write the program so can that be able to do the table in it too?

To build a Fortune Cookie program that uses the Chinese Zodiac or astrological signs to generate a fortune, prediction, or horoscope based on the user's input, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the programming language and framework you will use: Choose a programming language and framework that you are comfortable with. For example, you could use Python and a web framework like Flask, or JavaScript with Node.js.

2. Understand the Chinese Zodiac or astrology: Research and understand how the Chinese Zodiac or astrology works. This will help you determine how to correlate the user's input with specific messages, fortunes, or predictions.

3. Design your program's user interface: Decide how you want to collect the user's input, such as their year, month, and day of birth. This can be done through a web form, a command-line interface, or any other method suitable for your chosen programming language and framework.

4. Collect and validate user input: Implement code to collect the user's input and validate it. Make sure the input follows the expected format and ranges. For example, check if the year of birth is in the correct range and if the month and day fall within valid values.

5. Determine the user's zodiac sign or astrological sign: Based on the user's input, calculate their Chinese Zodiac animal or astrological sign. You can use formulas or lookup tables to find the correct sign based on the input date.

6. Generate a custom message or fortune: Use the user's zodiac or astrological sign to generate a custom message, fortune, or prediction. You can come up with your own messages or use existing resources that provide fortunes or horoscopes based on zodiac signs or astrology.

7. Display the custom message or fortune: Present the generated message or fortune to the user. This can be done through a web page, a console output, or any other appropriate method for your chosen programming language and user interface.

8. Test and refine your program: Test your program with different inputs to ensure it functions correctly. Make any necessary adjustments or refinements based on the results.

Remember to reference reliable online resources to gather accurate information about the Chinese Zodiac or astrology. Additionally, consider creating a clean and user-friendly interface to enhance the user experience.