how was world war 1 started?

thank you :)

thats what i got!


august alexa/kaitlin ada ~

Posting answers to yourself. How very strange!

World War 1 started primarily as a result of a web of complex political alliances, rising nationalism, and a series of events. Although the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary is often seen as the immediate cause, it was just one trigger that ignited the already tense situation in Europe. To understand how World War 1 started, here are the key factors and events:

1. Imperialism and Colonial Rivalry: European powers competed for colonies and resources, leading to tensions among nations.

2. Nationalism: Ethnic and ideological rivalries fostered a sense of national pride and competition between countries.

3. Alliances: Various alliances were formed, creating a fragile balance of power. The two primary alliances were the Triple Entente (comprised of France, Russia, and the United Kingdom) and the Central Powers (composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and later the Ottoman Empire).

4. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand: On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, who sought independence for Serbian territories.

5. Series of Ultimatums: Following the assassination, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia, demanding Serbia to accept strict terms, which Serbia partially agreed to. However, this wasn't satisfactory for Austria-Hungary, leading to a declaration of war on Serbia.

6. Activation of Alliances: The interlocking alliances activated when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. This set off a chain reaction, with various countries declaring war on each other, including Russia, Germany, France, and Britain.

It's important to research and analyze the historical events, causes, and context in order to fully understand the start of World War 1.