how and why do theories change .150 words rflect on pluto.i bet no one person can answer this

You lose your bet. But I am not going to write it for you.

Think how your ideas and understanding change with time: You learn more, you reflect more, you discover more data, and you are able to analyze more. Theories change because new information come to light, and the old theories just don't explain what you now realize. Use Pluto as an example.

I bet only you will answer this because it's YOUR assignment!

Once you write up your response, feel free to post it here if you'd like someone to critique your thinking and writing for you.

or use Newton and Einstein as an example

there are many

A theory is akin to an hypothesis. It needs to be tested. It can be found to have been in error, and new information and knowledge may well prove that the theory was inadequate or just plain wrong. Now, what do YOU think? Some people believe, for example, that because Pluto is a body that orbits the sun it is therefore a planet, no matter what anybody else wants to call it. Can we refine our ideas and definitions as we learn new things, or are the old ideas always carved in stone, never to change?

Theories change due to advancements in knowledge and evidence that challenge or expand existing understanding. In the context of Pluto, our understanding has evolved over time. Initially considered the ninth planet in our solar system, it was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union due to new criteria for defining planets. This decision resulted from a scientific debate and discussion among experts. Theories change as scientists collect more data, make new observations, and refine their models. In the case of Pluto, new telescopic observations, data from space probes (like NASA's New Horizons mission), and improved understanding of planetary dynamics contributed to the reclassification. The scientific process encourages constant questioning, validation, and revision of theories, leading to a better understanding of the natural world. It is crucial to have discussion among experts to have diverse insights and perspectives. Therefore, no single person can answer this question in its entirety.