Which of the following determines the type of biome classification that will be made for a particular region?

C.mineral deposits
D.number of human settlements*
Thank you for the help

1. D

2. C
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. Producer
15. Abiotic
16. Nitrogen-Fixing
17. Heat
18. Evaporation
19. Consumer (if you want to, you can do heterotroph they're both right
20. Decomposer
21. Grassland (Or you can do savanna they're both right. do not put an 's' at the end. It will mark you wrong.)
22. Invasive
23. Essay
24. Essay
This is an guaranteed 100% Thank you for waiting!

it is A Climate

they put a (*) next to D meaning that’s what they think the answer is lmao


19 and 21 have two answers. 21 can be savanna or grassland. Don't put an S at the end of grassland.

And 19 can be consumer or heterotroph. They're both right. You guys are going to get a 100% I promise.

The correct answer is A. climate.

To determine the type of biome classification for a region, the most important factor is the climate of that region. Climate refers to the long-term weather patterns characteristic of a specific area, including factors such as temperature, precipitation, and humidity.

Different climates support different types of vegetation and determine the adaptation of plant and animal species. This, in turn, influences the classification of a region into a particular biome. For example, regions with high temperatures and little precipitation might be classified as deserts, while areas with cold temperatures and a lot of snowfall might be classified as tundra.

Factors such as size, mineral deposits, and the number of human settlements are not direct determinants of biome classification. While they can indirectly influence the local environment and have some impact on the vegetation and wildlife in a region, they are not the primary factors considered when classifying a biome.

It's worth noting that the presence of human settlements may have an impact on the natural environment and can change the characteristics of a biome over time, but it is not a direct factor in determining biome classification.

Therefore, option A, climate, is the correct answer.

What do YOU think the answer is. The teachers are happy to CHECK your answer, but not TELL you them.