What is the most populated town in the Panhandle? How many people live there according to the 2010 census?

I can not find this answer anywhere!!

Which Panhandle?

Oh, sorry Ms. Sue! The Oklahoma Panhandle.

Here is a list of Oklahoma towns by population. I assume you know, or can find on a map, which are in the panhandle.


Check the population of cities on this map.



Thanks Reed and Ms. Sue!!

You're welcome, Jenny.

To find the most populated town in the Panhandle and the corresponding population according to the 2010 census, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by narrowing down your search to the specific state or region's Panhandle you are referring to. The term "Panhandle" can be used to refer to a coastal strip of land that is in the shape of a panhandle, found in various states in the United States.

2. Once you have identified the state or region, conduct a search using a search engine like Google or Bing. Use keywords such as "most populated town in [Panhandle name]" or "[State/region] Panhandle cities by population."

3. Look for reliable sources such as official government websites, reputable news articles, or community profiles that provide population data. Websites like the U.S. Census Bureau or state-specific government websites often have the required information.

4. Review the search results to find relevant information. Look for articles or sources that specifically mention the population of the towns in the Panhandle area during the 2010 census.

5. Once you have found a reliable source, check for the most recent and accurate information on the population of the towns in the Panhandle. The source should provide the specific town name and the population count.

6. Alternatively, you can also check the official website of the state or county where the Panhandle is located. These websites often provide demographic data and may have a list of the towns in the Panhandle with their respective populations.

Remember, the availability and accuracy of the information may vary depending on the state or region you are researching.