Julia is allowed to watch no more then 5 hours of tv a week. She has already watched 1.5 hours. Write and solve an inequality to show how many hours of television Julia can still watch this week.

I know what an inequality is, I'm just having a hard time writing one. Could someone help me get started, or point me in the right direction?

x + 1.5 <= 5

Thanks Ms. Sue :D!

You're welcome.

Certainly! To write an inequality for this situation, we need to consider that Julia is allowed to watch no more than 5 hours of TV in a week and she has already watched 1.5 hours. Let's use the variable "x" to represent the number of hours she can still watch.

To write the inequality, we can start by setting up the equation:

Total allowed hours of TV - Hours already watched ≤ Hours Julia can still watch

In this case, the total allowed hours of TV is 5, and the hours already watched is 1.5. So we can write the inequality as:

5 - 1.5 ≤ x

Simplifying this equation, we get:

3.5 ≤ x

Therefore, Julia can still watch up to 3.5 hours of television this week.