A bus travel an interstate highway at an average speed of 85 km/hours. how far does it takes to travel in 20 mins?

20 min = 1/3 hr

85 km/hr * 1/3 hr = 85/3 km

To find out how far the bus travels in 20 minutes, you need to convert the time to hours since the speed is given in kilometers per hour.

1 hour = 60 minutes

So, 20 minutes is equal to 20/60 = 1/3 hours.

Given that the average speed of the bus is 85 km/hour, you can now calculate the distance it travels in 1/3 hours.

Distance = Speed × Time

Distance = 85 km/hour × 1/3 hour

Distance = (85 × 1)/(3 × 1) km

Distance = 85/3 km

Thus, the bus travels approximately 28.33 km in 20 minutes.