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The total cost of gift baskets include the cost of each basket and a one time delivery fee. One company bought 40 baskets for a total of $715 and another company bought 400 baskets for $5,935. What is the cost per basket? What is the cost for the one-time delivery fee?

If the fee is f and the cost of a basket is c, then

f+40c = 715
f+400c = 5935

Multiply the 1st equation by 10 so we can eliminate c:

10f + 400c = 7150
f + 400c = 5935

subtract and you have

9f = 1215
f = 135

How did you know to multiply by 10 to eliminate C?

To find the cost per basket, we can divide the total cost by the number of baskets purchased.

For the first company, they bought 40 baskets for a total of $715. Thus, the cost per basket can be found by dividing $715 by 40:

Cost per basket = $715 / 40 = $17.875

Therefore, the cost per basket for the first company is $17.875.

Similarly, let's calculate the cost per basket for the second company. They bought 400 baskets for a total of $5,935:

Cost per basket = $5,935 / 400 = $14.8375

Hence, the cost per basket for the second company is $14.8375.

Now, to find the one-time delivery fee, we need to subtract the cost of the baskets from the total cost for each company.

For the first company, the total cost was $715, and we already calculated the cost per basket as $17.875. Therefore, the delivery fee can be determined by subtracting the cost of the baskets from the total cost:

Delivery fee for the first company = $715 - (40 x $17.875)

Simplifying the equation:

Delivery fee = $715 - $715 = $0

Since the cost per basket for the first company covers the entire total cost, the delivery fee is $0.

For the second company, the total cost was $5,935, and we calculated the cost per basket as $14.8375. Let's calculate the delivery fee:

Delivery fee for the second company = $5,935 - (400 x $14.8375)

Simplifying the equation:

Delivery fee = $5,935 - $5,935 = $0

Similar to the first company, the cost per basket for the second company covers the entire total cost, so the delivery fee is also $0.

Therefore, for both companies, the cost per basket is calculated as mentioned above, and the delivery fee is $0.