which of these is an example of a force being applied?

A car was stuck in the mud. Two people pushed the car, but it did not move.why did the car not move even though a force was exerted on it?

Because the force applied was not sufficient to overcome the coefficient of friction.

The situation you described, where two people pushed a car that was stuck in the mud but it did not move, is indeed an example of a force being applied.

To understand why the car did not move even though a force was exerted on it, we need to consider the concept of friction. Friction is a force that opposes the motion between two surfaces in contact. In this case, the tires of the car were in contact with the mud, and the friction between the tires and the mud acted against the force applied by the people pushing the car.

Friction depends on several factors, including the roughness of the surfaces in contact and the force pressing the surfaces together. In the case of a car stuck in the mud, the mud's texture, stickiness, and the weight of the car apply significant resistance force, making it difficult to overcome the friction and move the car.

There are a few strategies that can be used to overcome the friction and help the car move:

1. Increase the applied force: Applying a greater force to the car increases the chances of overcoming the friction. This can be done by having more people push the car or using tools like a lever or jack to increase the force on the stuck wheels.

2. Reduce the friction: Since friction depends on the roughness of the surfaces, reducing the friction can make it easier to move the car. This can be done by adding a slippery material like sand or a piece of wood under the wheels to reduce the contact between the tires and the mud.

3. Use external help: Sometimes, additional help may be required to move a stuck car. This can include using a tow truck or calling for assistance from professionals who have specialized equipment or expertise in such situations.

In summary, the force exerted by the people pushing the car is an example of a force being applied. However, the car did not move due to the opposing force of friction between the tires and the muddy surface. Overcoming this friction can be achieved by increasing the applied force, reducing the friction, or seeking external assistance.