Why do some families in rural areas of Mexico move to larger Mexican cities?

Crime is not as high in cities compared to rural areas.

Cities have less corruption compared to rural areas.

City schools are better than rural schools. (MY ANSWER)

They seek the ability to send remittances.

I think you are correct again. People also move to cities (all over the world, not just in Mexico) for better employment opportunities.

The reasons why some families in rural areas of Mexico move to larger Mexican cities can vary. One possible reason is that city schools are often considered to be better than rural schools. This perception may stem from the fact that larger cities generally have access to more resources, including better educational facilities and a wider range of extracurricular activities. As a result, families may move to cities in order to provide their children with improved educational opportunities and a higher quality of education.

To confirm this answer, you could gather data on the educational resources and outcomes in rural areas versus larger cities in Mexico. This can be done by researching educational statistics and reports from reputable sources such as government agencies, educational institutions, or non-profit organizations. Additionally, conducting interviews or surveys with individuals who have migrated from rural areas to cities could provide valuable insights into their motivations and experiences regarding access to education.