9.)How did the Supreme Court ruling on the Indian Removal Act affect Andrew Jackson's course of action regarding Native Americans?

A.)It forced him to change the location of the resettlements but little else.

B.)It forced him to start over and rethink the entire plan for Indian removal.

C.)It forced him to go through the motions of making treaties with the tribes.

D.)It forced him to begin preparing for a Constitutional amendment on Indian removal.

Mom says D But i pick B WHOS CORRECT?

This time I believe you are right. I found no reference to a proposed Constitutional Amendment.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to review the Supreme Court's ruling on the Indian Removal Act and its implications for Andrew Jackson's course of action regarding Native Americans.

The Supreme Court ruling in question refers to the case of Worcester v. Georgia in 1832. In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Georgia did not have the authority to enforce its own laws within Cherokee territory, as defined by previous treaties with the federal government. The ruling essentially recognized the sovereign status of Native American tribes and their right to self-governance.

Based on this ruling, the correct answer is B) It forced him to start over and rethink the entire plan for Indian removal. The Supreme Court's decision invalidated Jackson's push for Indian removal and challenged his authority to enforce the Indian Removal Act. As a result, Jackson had to reconsider his approach and find alternative ways to remove Native Americans from their ancestral lands.

Option A) is incorrect because the ruling had a significant impact on Jackson's course of action, beyond merely changing the location of resettlements.

Option C) is also incorrect because the ruling did not simply force Jackson to go through the motions of making treaties with the tribes. Instead, it called into question the entire removal policy.

Option D) is not supported by historical evidence, as there is no record of Jackson actively preparing for a Constitutional amendment on Indian removal.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) It forced him to start over and rethink the entire plan for Indian removal.