What is a bin range?

A. the range of the data that each bar in a histogram represents
B. the description of the cells that are used t display the data
C. the total range of data in a bar graph
D. the line that is created when you connect the plots in a graph

What do you think the answer is @Ms. Sue

It's A or C... but I'm not sure.

A bin range refers to the range of values that are grouped together in a histogram. In a histogram, the data is divided into intervals or bins, and each bin represents a range of values. The bin range is the span of values covered by each bin.

To determine the bin range in a histogram, you need to consider the minimum and maximum values in the data set. You can then decide on the size of each bin, which defines the range of values that it represents. The bin range should be chosen in a way that captures the important details of the data while keeping the intervals manageable.

So, the correct answer is A. The bin range corresponds to the range of data that each bar in a histogram represents.
