Hot air balloon A is raising upward at a rate of 10.0 m/s. A passenger aboard balloon A observers balloon B going down at a relative rate of 12.5 m/s. What is the velocity of balloon B relative to the group?

This question does not look like geography!

To find the velocity of balloon B relative to the group, you need to calculate the difference between the velocities of balloon A and balloon B.

Given that balloon A is raising upward at 10.0 m/s and balloon B is descending at 12.5 m/s, we can subtract the velocity of balloon B from the velocity of balloon A to find the relative velocity:

Relative velocity = Velocity of balloon A - Velocity of balloon B

Relative velocity = 10.0 m/s - (-12.5 m/s) [Note: Since balloon B is descending, its velocity is negative.]

Now, let's calculate the relative velocity:

Relative velocity = 10.0 m/s + 12.5 m/s

Relative velocity = 22.5 m/s

Therefore, the velocity of balloon B relative to the group is 22.5 m/s.