The window is 60 inches wide. What is the width of the window in feet?

96 is the answer

A window is 60 inches long.what is the length of the window in feet

What is the answer?

The window is 60 inches wide. What is the width of the window is in feet?

To convert the width of the window from inches to feet, you need to divide the width in inches by the number of inches in a foot. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, you can divide the width of the window in inches by 12 to get the width in feet.

In this case, the width of the window is given as 60 inches. So, to find the width in feet, you can divide 60 by 12:

60 inches / 12 = 5 feet

Therefore, the width of the window is 5 feet.


there are 12 inches in 1 foot.

if you have 60 inches then you have??? feet.

Can you finish from here

12 inches/ 1 foot = 60 inches/? foot