read the following sentence from The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963

A week later i was walking in the alley behind Mitchell's when a big cookie with pink frosting just about hit me in the head. It went by like a little flying saucer then crashed in the dirt.

the author compares the cookie to a flying saucer most likely to?

A. emphasize the large size of the cookie***
B. Indicate the color of the cookie
C. Illustrate the cookie rotation through the air
D. Add a set effect

Am i Right?


YOU WERE WRONG it was C but thanks for the help

Yes, you are correct! The author compares the cookie to a flying saucer most likely to emphasize the large size of the cookie. This comparison helps the reader visualize how big and unexpected the cookie was when it flew by the narrator's head.

I agree.

Oh, well!

Many things in literature, especially when dealing with literary terms, are interpretive. I have often disagreed with "answers" in texts and tests over the past several decades!