Emily bought 3 shirts for $12.50 each and a pair of shorts for $20. She had a coupon for $3 off her purchase, before sales tax. Sales tax is 6%. How much did Emily pay for the clothes after the coupon and sales tax?





(3*12.50 + 20 - 3)*1.06


To calculate how much Emily paid for the clothes after the coupon and sales tax, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the total cost of the shirts.
Emily bought 3 shirts at $12.50 each, so the total cost of the shirts is 3 * $12.50 = $37.50.

Step 2: Determine the total cost of the shorts.
The cost of the shorts is $20.

Step 3: Calculate the subtotal before the coupon.
The subtotal before the coupon is the sum of the shirt cost and the shorts cost:
Subtotal = Shirts cost + Shorts cost = $37.50 + $20 = $57.50.

Step 4: Apply the coupon.
Emily had a coupon worth $3 off her purchase. So, the new subtotal after applying the coupon is:
New subtotal = Subtotal - Coupon amount = $57.50 - $3 = $54.50.

Step 5: Calculate the sales tax.
The sales tax is 6% of the subtotal. To find the sales tax amount, we can multiply the subtotal by 0.06 (which is the decimal equivalent of 6%):
Sales tax amount = Subtotal * 0.06 = $54.50 * 0.06 = $3.27.

Step 6: Calculate the total amount paid.
The total amount paid is the sum of the new subtotal and the sales tax amount:
Total amount paid = New subtotal + Sales tax amount = $54.50 + $3.27 = $57.77.

Therefore, Emily paid $57.77 for the clothes after the coupon and sales tax. Hence, the correct answer is B. $57.77.